Venue Information

Venue Code:
Stockbridge Church
Venue Address:
7b Saxe Coburg Street
Venue Postcode:

Performance Spaces

NameCapacityAge LimitShowsPerformances
Church Hall2501016
Young Room70223

Shows and Performances

Select Performance Space
Sort Order

NameGenreWherePerformancesNext Performance
An Evening with Classic Brit Nominee Cameron MillsMusicChurch Hall1-
CarmenMusicals and OperaChurch Hall4-
China-Style Youth Art GalaChildren's ShowsChurch Hall1-
Haggis CeilidhsMusicChurch Hall3-
Kim Edgar: Songs of HopeMusicChurch Hall1-
Kim Edgar: Songs of Hope Singing WorkshopMusicChurch Hall1-
musicALL presents: The FridaysMusicChurch Hall1-
Underwater BlueMusicChurch Hall1-
Vàgr at Fringe: Claudia Edwards and Joanna StarkMusicChurch Hall2-
Viola and Piano: Aprés un RêveMusicChurch Hall1-